SOCIOLOGY C3Cover PageTitle Your nameDate One to two page discussion of issues associated with social stratificationYour discussion should include:A definition for stratificationThe formation of social ranking (development of social classes, caste, and slavery systems)How have power, prestige, privilege, wealth, and other desirables effect individual life-chances?Davis and Moore argument regarding the function of stratification.Discuss the difference between the functionalist perspective and conflict theorists of why the elite are in power.One to two page discussion of issues associated with social inequality and discriminationYour discussion should include:A definition for gender discrimination.A discussion of both structural and cultural factors and tradition that contribute to the inequality and designed to maintain the status quo (i.e. male superiority).A discussion of the wage gap, where women’s average earnings are about $.73 for every dollar a man earns; and whether gendered jobs exist.What prejudice, discrimination, and racism is.Define segregation, assimilation, pluralism, and genocide.Discuss the different forms of discrimination (individual v. Institutional).One to two page discussion of issues associated with social class in AmericaYour discussion should include:Discuss social class in America and its consequence on society as a whole.Examine poverty and its effects on society.One page with citationsCite your sources in a reference section.
Social stratification
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