SPSS for analyzing data

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Homework Help

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: SPSS for analyzing data with one IV and more than one DV & one-way between subjects MANOVA. SPSS for analyzing data with one IV and more than one DV & one-way between s MANOVA This problem set introduces SPSS for analyzing data with one IV and more than one DV to investigate comparison of means. You will perform a one-way between subjects MANOVA on the data and report your output. You will need to complete number 6 and write a Results section for this study.Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:• Download the SPSS/PASW data set that I will upload in a .SAV file. Perform the following tasks to complete this assignment:1. Conduct necessary analyses using SPSS so you can answer the question 6 listed in the exercise.2. Submit your response to the exercise results question (#6) as a Word document. Also copy and paste the output files nicely in this document. 3. You will also need to submit the SPSS Output files showing the analyses you performed in SPSS to compute the answers for related questions. ***THIS MUST BE A .SPV file. I only have the newest version of SPSS. .SPO files do not open nor convert in my program. 4. *You do not need a cover page or an abstract.Two-Group MANOVA Using SPSS: AnswersAnxiety & Country 1.Is the MANOVA an appropriate statistical technique for this research?YES! Explain.BECAUSE THE DVs ARE CONCEPTUALLY AND STATISTICALLY CORRELATED.2.Examine the mean scores on the anxiety dimensions between the two countries. Does there appear to be mean differences between the two groups on the three dependent variables?YES, THERE APPEARS TO BE CONSISTENT DIFFERENCES WITH INDUSTRIAL COUNTRIES SCORING HIGHER THAN NON-INDUSTRIAL COUNTRIES. 3.According to the Wilks Lambda test, is there a significant difference between the two countries on the linear combination (the variate) of the DVs?YES.

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