Compose a 1500 words assignment on summary of susan bordos arguments. It creates an argument regarding the viewpoint of various authors on the aspect of media influence in body image. Furthermore, the essay also provides an analysis of one womens magazine and one beauty advertisement in order to substantiate the arguments.According to the modern feminist philosopher Susan Bordo, size zero is regarded as a status symbol, prevailing in the generation where kids are growing. In this globalization driven era, individuals share inspirational photos along with diet tips in order to construct and maintain body image. Bordo argues in this similar context that constructed images regarding body perfection through media (such as in advertisements and magazines) are representing false ideas to the audiences. Bordo stated that due to the influence of mass media as well as globalization, females are fantasying and transcending their natural existence towards egotistical efforts of reinvention. Bordo also argued that there lays the requirement of assimilating the concept of body image so that individuals are able to visualize themselves through illusions and mystifications of dominated culture, particularly the western culture (Bordo, 2003).Graeme Burton, an author, has provided various significant insights into media and its influence on society. According to Burton (2010), the influence of media is constantly growing in todays globalized era. It can effectively shape and reconstruct public hope along with fantasies. Furthermore, the feminine identity of this present generation is typically constructed based on the influence of various media. Media provides images and figures that viewers imitate and identify. Such images often play a decisive role in educating individuals through utilizing and following various role models. This is particularly true when referring to the representation of the female body through effective means of media.
Summary of susan bordos arguments
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