The Legal and Ethical Environment

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Homework Help

Read Chapter Seven of The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business (textbook: Lau and Johnson).Part 1Review the material in Chapter 7 of the textbook. Then, go to the discussion forum for Unit 3 and engage in a dialogue with your classmates by answering the following questions:Why do you think a society would address liability for civil wrongs separately from criminal wrongs? Should a wrongdoer be potentially liable both for civil wrongs as well as for criminal wrongs related to the same wrongdoing? Sometimes people excuse the damage they cause by saying this was a mistake or that they did not mean to cause the damage. Is this a valid excuse to avoid liability for damage caused? Explain your answer. In common law countries, strict liability was originally imposed for abnormally dangerous activities. What was the rationale for extending strict liability to everyday products sold in commerce? Do you agree with this extension of strict liability? Explain your answer.Cite any references in apa format. Part 2Research the case of Stella Liebeck, an elderly grandmother who received third-degree burns when she spilled coffee purchased at a McDonald’s drive-through. What was the basis of her claim against McDonald’s? Was the alleged tort intentional, negligent, or strict liability? Why did Ms. Liebeck’s lawyers believe that McDonald’s was liable to Ms. Liebeck? Do you think it is reasonable to expect that a hot drink purchased from a restaurant might quickly give you third degree burns? How did the jury decide the case? Why do you think the jury decided the case this way? Be sure to explain your answers thoroughly. Prepare a 1,500 word (double-spaced) essay. The paper should be 12-point font, Times New Roman, and include a final source list.  Cite references in apa format. Essay must have introduction, body and conclusion.part 3In addition, the student should consider the following question for reflection: What duties do you owe to the people closest to you, such as family, friends, and neighbors? What duties do you owe to people in general, any time and any place?Minimum of 250 words

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