The Use of 5S in Aviation industry

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Homework Help

Complete 4 page APA formatted essay: The Use of 5S in Aviation Industry.ver, the lean system does not only improve the products of the company but also the morality and commitment of the employees (“Clean and Safe,” 2007. Ramamoorthy, 2007. Levantar, 2012).Relatively, companies that adopted the lean manufacturing systems established the 5S program as the procedure for making the manufacturing environment safe and clean (“Clean and Safe,” 2007. Levantar, 2012). Particularly, Ramamoorthy (2007) defined 5S program as a “process designed for planned organizing and standardizing the workplace” (p. 12). Accordingly, the 5S method is a substantial and essential process in implementing the lean manufacturing system in order to acquire and regulate orderly, clean and secure work environment. In relation to this, aerial industries have implemented the 5S program in order to conform to the process of lean manufacturing system. Consequently, this current paper will determine on how aviation industries can implement the 5s process in order to achieve effective and efficient lean manufacturing system.The sortation process is the procedure of segregating and isolating required tools and equipments that are essential in creating a particular product within the work environment. Accordingly, this process involves inventory of materials or tools that are needed and getting rid of those that are not necessary for the work environment. (“Lean Thinking,” n.d.). In relation to this, the sortation process can be implemented within aviation industries through determining the important equipments and materials in creating aircraft carriers. For example, aviation industries uphold the importance of safe, secure, and functional operating systems, controlling systems, hydraulic systems, fire protection systems, cargo loading systems, flight guiding system, emergency system, oxygen system, electrical system, and water system. Moreover, it is important for an aircraft to have secured and firmed doors and windows that are insulated, well and

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