Vitamin D requirement in pregnancy

by | Nov 6, 2021 | Homework Help

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Vitamin D requirement in pregnancy.The researchers did not stipulate their research question but this can be inferred from the article’s title and the study’s objective. The following is the inferred research questions as developed from these perspectives.Vitamin D supplementation was the study’s treatment. Deficiency of the vitamin in women was first noted and then corrected. Supplementation with 50000 IU and 100000 IU of the vitamin for different groups then followed.Random selection was used to recruit the participants and to assign them into groups, for those who had sufficient levels of the vitamin &gt. 20ng/ml. participants with lower levels were first treated for initial boost before the study’s treatment of 50000 IU or 100000 IU of vitamin D. data was then measured from cord blood.Even though 34 of the participates had, initially, a vitamin D level &gt. 20 ng/ml, all of the women had levels less than 30ng/ml. Fetuses of women from all of the groups recorded significant levels of vitamin D, greater than 20 ng/ml.The study shows that 50000 IU of vitamin D per month, from the forth month of pregnant, is necessary for ensuring a threshold level of vitamin D among neonates. The authors conclude that treatment of less than 50000 IU per month is not sufficient to ensure the threshold of 20 ng/ml of vitamin D in

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