
by | Sep 10, 2021 | Homework Help

Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Vocation.I believe that this overemphasis on money on the things that we do is one of the causes of many problems that we have right now. On the other hand, if we think too much about others, such as our community, family, we may forget our responsibility with our self. Thinking about others in choosing what we should do is good but just not excessively.The ideal way on how to choose with what to do with our lives is to strike a balance between ourselves and others. That is, determining what we really would like to do that will make us happy and balancing it with economic consideration if it could provide for our responsibilities in life. Equally important is for us also to ask if our choice could also benefit our, community, society, family, country and humanity in general. Such that when we do it, we make everybody happy, first is our “self”, then our community, our country and then mankind in general.As a guide on how to best choose with what to do with our lives, it is best to ask first “what will makes us happy?”, or “what is the thing that we would like to passionately?” This requires soul searching but when we have determined what it is that we would really like to do, the rest will follow. That includes the economic aspect because we would excel with what we do and thus, gets paid handsomely for it. In the process of determining what we would like to do, we should also consider the greater good of everybody because what good will an endeavor do if it does not do good to others except for one’s self? This is important because not all that we would like to do are appropriate or even legal which is why we have to ask if it will do good to our community and society. Thus, it goes without saying in selecting what we would like to do, we should also consider existing laws, our morals and social norm.If we have satisfied all these guidance in choosing what we would like to do, we did not only make

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