Wherever I Wind Up

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Homework Help

Argumentative essay on Review Wherever I Wind Up by R. A. Dickey For Criminal Justice Class. Needs to be 2 pages. Eventually his parents got divorced and while living with his mother got into a series of fights. He, therefore, went to live with his father during which he became extremely good in fastball. This gets him an entry into the University of Tennessee where his life career in baseball begun.The criminal justice system should protect the innocent, punish the guilty and provide safety and confidence to the people. In this book, Dickeys life as a child is full of events that depict the flaws of the criminal justice system in protecting him. Since birth, his parent’s relationship worsened with time as they became engulfed in their own evils. Eventually they separated, and his mother got custody to their only child, Dickey. This was a move by the justice system which could as well be termed as the contributing factor to his molestation. Under the care of his mother, he gets repeatedly molested by a teenage girl and later on boy. As an alcoholic, his mother was unstable, a sociopathic and irresponsible and, therefore, should not have had custody in of Dickey in the first place. This is evident in the statement, “One Saturday my mother tells me she is going out that night and leaving…” (Dickey and Coffey 20). It is essential to conduct proper investigations into the nature of lifestyles of both parents before assigning custody of children. In this case, if such had been conducted Dickey would have ended up with his father form the beginning and instances of molestation would never have occurred. It is also vital to conduct regular follow-ups into the life of a child with separated parents so as to verify the childs safety. In this case, checkups would have been able to identify that Dickey was being molested by the babysitter and prevent the recurrence of the event and of the teenage boy from occurring.R.A Dickey did not speak of his childhood molestation to anybody until he reached an age of 31. The statement “I never tell

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