Why does Socrates

by | Oct 6, 2021 | Homework Help

Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Why does Socrates, according to Plato’s think that knowledge of the ‘form of the good’ is the higest sort of knowledge Is Socrates correct Defend your answer.The Good in its entirety is beyond being and is the absolute measure by which justice can be measured. The philosopher notes that the Idea of the Good is knowledge’s ultimate object. True knowledge in his view is conversant and seeks to investigate the nature of more perfect and purer patterns after which all created beings are modeled (Santas 47).Socrates’ argument that knowledge of the form of the good is the highest sort of knowledge is relevant considering the notion that true knowledge seeks not imperfect intelligences. As such when one understands the form of the good, they are in a better position to explain why things happen as they do. Furthermore, it may be established that beauty, equality, justice and truth and other good things come from the Form of the

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